100 Computers for 100 Days of Summer Campaign

  • 100 Computers for 100 Days of Summer
    National Cristina Foundation staff as well as PC Renew and Electronic Access Foundation work to bridge the digital divide in New York

The National Cristina Foundation, PC Renew of Rockland County NY (www.pcrenew.org) and the Electronic Access Foundation of Hillsborough NJ (www.e-access.org) utilized their collective efforts to sponsor two computer distribution events in the NY and NJ areas. The campaign, entitled “100 Computers for 100 Days of Summer” has been created for two main reasons.

The first is to simply meet the technology needs of National Cristina Foundation nonprofit partner organizations in NY and NJ by providing each with a minimum of 5 complete computer systems utilizing either Linux or Windows operating systems.

The second is to demonstrate to industry and corporate America that nonprofits focusing on technology reuse are very capable organizations and can function as the conduit between donors and recipients of technology.

The digital divide is very real in the United States. The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that 45,000 pieces of technology go out of use in the US every single day. Where does this technology go? In many cases it is simply put in storage because the owners are not aware of its value as a contribution to nonprofits and schools and they are furthermore unaware of the nonprofit refurbishing organizations capable of bringing the equipment back to life.

Programs like National Cristina Foundation, PC Renew and Electronic Access Foundation are addressing these issues.