Corporate Sustainability

Doing what is right for the well-being of our planet means following business practices that safeguard and reduce negative influences on the environment.

Responsible reuse of technology prevents waste of valuable resources. By extending a computer’s lifespan, reuse keeps chemicals and other hazardous waste out of our waterways and landfills. It also saves on the consumption of fuel used in the manufacturing process. Responsible reuse is a smart investment in your communities and to life on the planet. National Cristina Foundation’s pioneering work promoting technology reuse has helped make a significant difference in the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in need.

Responsible recycling becomes essential when computer technology reaches the end of its useful life. Learn more about responsible recycling and resources near you.

What can you do?

Add a technology donation option to the re-marketing or scrapping of your used equipment. This can be a practical way to achieve your philanthropic and environmental agendas for equipment that has little return when disposed of in the secondary market.

National Cristina Foundation’s enterprise donation program offers businesses an opportunity to dispose of used equipment in a way that benefits individuals in need, not only in your community but in communities nationwide. We can help facilitate targeted donations to individual nearby organizations or more sizable, complex donations of equipment to nonprofit refurbishers/recyclers located around the country.

What are the benefits?

  • Technology reuse reduces administrative time and expense and makes it possible to reduce or eliminate storage and transfer costs.
  • Reuse enables you to maintain records to support reporting as well as earn tax deductions and publicity.
  • Donating technology supports corporate social responsibility agendas in the communities you have a business presence and makes good sense for operable equipment with little to no resale/remarketing value.
  • Technology reuse greatly impacts the work of local nonprofits and schools. The value of such equipment to people in need is incalculable.